Edward Jeffries
Edward Jeffries

Edward Jeffries

Edward Jeffries and his wife Lucile owned and operated the very same store I grew up in. They both had big plans for the store when they moved into it in 1953. Sadly, Mr. Jeffries passed away in late November of 1954 and the store was turned over to its prior owner. Below are a few items I was able to gather that highlight Jeffries occupation of the store and his death.

I would really be interested in obtaining additional photographs and history of the store that I grew up in (pictured below). It is easy to identify that the building started out as a barn, and then at one point in time additions began to be added. Evolving with the times, the building was a grocery store, gas station, service station, restaurant, and more. There is one small corner section towards the front right of the building that served as a temporarily Village Post Office. That section has its own dedicated exterior door and the interior’s floor space shows where the walls of the Post Office once stood.

There is one beam in the buildings construction that is dated 1885, Standard Truss, Co., Bay City, Michigan. I realize I could be wrong, but it might mean that the building itself, right after the town’s grainery, is the oldest store in Stanwood!

I also believe by looking at the Jeffries photograph that there is a farm house located behind the service garage. Whatever happened to the home I don’t know. Any information you can share about the store and it’s history would greatly be appreciated.

Matchbook I Found in the Building’s Well Room.
Farmhouse Behind the Service Garage Outlined in Red.
Mr. Jefferies Obituary


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