Stanwood Magazine
It’s Quiz Time!

It’s Quiz Time!

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Stanwood History Quiz

Let's see how well you know your Stanwood, Michigan's History. Take the following quiz and compare your score to others. Good luck!

This quiz is awesome. Really. In fact, the National Institute of Silly Quizzes ranked the Stanwood History Quiz higher than the Escanaba Sausage Fest Quiz, which in our minds was one of the best quizzes ever written.

Enter your Name and eMail address below to take the quiz. This will enable our highly technical computer systems to calculate your score, post it to our Leaderboard and then emboss your name on an official copy of our prestigious Stanwood Historian Certificate, which will be eMailed back to you. - - You must pass the quiz to get your certificate. - -

Rest assured that our crack team of brainiacs will NEVER sell or trade your registration information to anyone. Besides, we are all to lazy over here to do so.

Register Below

1 / 10

Who is credited for giving the town Stanwood its' name?

2 / 10

Who did David M. Benjamin name the town Stanwood after?

3 / 10

What was David M. Benjamin's parent's names?

4 / 10

Why did David M. Benjamin leave Maine to come to Michigan?

5 / 10

Where did Mr. Benjamin meet and make friends with Oliver Pillsbury?

6 / 10

What company did Mr. Benjamin and Mr. Pillsbury form?

7 / 10

What business did Mr. Benjamin and Mr. Pillsbury get into?

8 / 10

What Railroad company did O. P. Pillsbury and Co. partner with to move their logs?

9 / 10

What was Mr. Benjamin's wife's name?

10 / 10

Where did David and Anna Benjamin move to after residing in Michigan?

Your score is

The average score is 100%


Let us know what you thought of the Stanwood History Quiz. Our team of crackpots and nitwits worked months several long minutes putting it together... Funny story... Half the team suggested that we help the user along by providing a  "Hint Button," while the same half of the team disagreed with themselves. So in an effort to settle this internal dispute, it was decided that the biggest and strongest member of the team would leg wrestle a retired 85 year old lunch lady. Well, without a doubt, the lunch lady (Gilda) won and the "Hint Button" was left off the quiz and abandoned at a 131 highway rest stop. To be honest, the button itself looked questionably shady.


1S. Bumstead100 %56 seconds10

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